Pigmented Touch - A solo show of the ongoing series

Artist Victoria Marques Pinto further explores the human impact and alteration of natural environments in her new collection of works included in the ongoing “Pigmented Touch” series, now presented as a solo show at Espattio in Madrid. These pristine, impossible landscapes marked with a surrealist touch of colour, shape and texture are a delight to the viewers senses and challenge ones perception of perfect / imperfect whilst maintaining an underlining theme of conservation and environmentalism.  


Originally a colour study project, that has ultimately become and ongoing series as a comment on the inevitable future effects of the huma touch on the natural pristine world. Projecting that not even the most uninhabited corners of the earth can be free of the human print. Pigmented with human toxicity. 



25 May 2023

19:00 - 22:00


Exhibition continues

26 May - 04 June 2023 

by appointment only, 10:00 - 20:00 



C/ Monte Esquinza 8, Bajo izqda.

28010 Madrid 


+34 634 925 378 



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